Gordon G. Andrew
2 min read
4 Reasons Why Your B2B Firm's Content Marketing Isn't Working
There are 4 reasons why B2B firm content marketing fails
Gordon G. Andrew
4 min read
Why Most B2B Firms Don’t Use Earned Media (Public Relations / Publicity)
Most B2B company websites, across all industries, contain some combination of self-produced “owned media” content, including blog posts,...
Gordon G. Andrew
3 min read
Two Reasons Why Marketing Fails at Small and Medium B2B Firms
There are two reasons why marketing fails most often at small- and medium-sized B2B firms. Either or both of these failings may apply to...
Gordon G. Andrew
3 min read
Why Your Company's Blog Doesn't Make the Phone Ring
All of the hours devoted to blogging, at some of the nation’s largest and smartest companies, does not appear to be time well spent…if...
Gordon G. Andrew
4 min read
Seeing is Marketing Your Professional Services Firm
Selling any type of professional service – from investment management, to forensic accounting or legal representation – involves two very...
Gordon G. Andrew
3 min read
7 Signs that You're NOT a Thought Leader
Thought Leadership is perhaps the most widely used and consistently abused strategy in professional services marketing. There’s diverse...
Gordon G. Andrew
3 min read
Is Your Website Content a Brand Liability?
Distracted by social media, it’s easy for a company to lose sight of the fact that their website remains as the mother ship of brand...