Highlander helps companies create, keep and grow customers. To accomplish those goals, we help them to:
Establish Marketing Discipline
We develop and apply marketing solutions in a strategic, consistent and accountable manner. This means no one-off tactics, only activity that is connected to business results.
Gain Market Position
We gain market exposure and valuable 3rd party endorsements for your firm's intellectual capital. This market presence and credibility provides the raw material necessary to shape opinions and influence decisions.
Generate New Business
We increase your firm’s participation in RFIs, RFPs, and competitive shoot-outs. More importantly, we help you create de novo opportunities in which there are no competitors.
Increase Conversion Rates
We build market perceptions of your firm as a "safe choice." This increases your win rates, and converts new business leads and inquiries into meaningful conversations and revenue opportunities.
Build Thought Leadership
We increase market awareness, credibility and respect for your people, products, services and intellectual capital. This brand equity serves as the cornerstone of an effective B2B marketing strategy. Without it, you are viewed and valued as a commodity.
Drive Top-of-Mind Awareness
We keep your firm top-of-mind with target audiences at every stage of the sales cycle. This ensures that your brand is in front of clients, prospects and referral sources as they identify, evaluate and select solutions.
Communicate Corporate Transactions
We help companies to communicate effectively with internal and external audiences in connection with mergers, acquisitions, restructuring and bankruptcy. We are affiliated with Clear Thinking Group, one of the nation's leading advisory firms in value creation and value preservation.
Influence Investment Decisions
We help public companies, fund managers and financial product providers to deliver their value proposition to investors and consumers in a clear, compelling manner.