Gordon G. Andrew
4 min read
Publicity for Your B2B Business: Short-Term Sugar High…or Credibility Tool?
Not all types of publicity have equal value, in terms of its potential to generate leads or revenue.
Gordon G. Andrew
2 min read
4 Reasons Why Your B2B Firm's Content Marketing Isn't Working
There are 4 reasons why B2B firm content marketing fails
Gordon G. Andrew
4 min read
Why Most B2B Firms Don’t Use Earned Media (Public Relations / Publicity)
Most B2B company websites, across all industries, contain some combination of self-produced “owned media” content, including blog posts,...
Gordon G. Andrew
2 min read
Why Content Marketing Fails in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will not make people more effective content marketers.
Gordon G. Andrew
3 min read
Branded Interviews: Your Pathway to "Enlightened" Thought Leadership
Traditional thought leadership – whether it’s delivered through owned media or earned media – most often involves showcasing your own...
Gordon G. Andrew
4 min read
Diet, Exercise And Marketing: Self-Imposed Obstacles That Ensure Failure
There are practical reasons diet companies and national gym chains spend most of their advertising budgets within two seasonal windows:...
Gordon G. Andrew
4 min read
Are Pitch Letters The Cinderella Of Content Marketing?
Great content can build brand stature and increase market awareness, but in my experience, neither of those achievements necessarily...
Gordon G. Andrew
5 min read
Why Clients Don't Value Your Ability
For many decades, in medical school physicians have been taught the “3 A’s” of a sound practice management. They are the 3 qualities that...
Gordon G. Andrew
4 min read
A 9-Step Marketing Success Recipe
The first question we ask prospective clients is, “Do you have a Marketing Plan?” Many prospects sheepishly acknowledge that they don’t...
Gordon G. Andrew
3 min read
Two Reasons Why Marketing Fails at Small and Medium B2B Firms
There are two reasons why marketing fails most often at small- and medium-sized B2B firms. Either or both of these failings may apply to...